Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fear Speaks!

When does life rare back and hit you in the face? When do you realize that at some point your future life must begin and your past life must end? When does fear start clouding what you really want in life? I am 28 years old and feel like I have allowed fear to keep me from a lot of my hopes and dreams. When I was growing up, I always saw myself as a mother and a wife...I wasn't sure when I wanted to do those things, but I knew that God put me on this earth to be wonderful at both. I had hopes of becoming a Lawyer, Teacher, Business woman, Photographer, or a Nurse and here I am writing insurance policies and serving papers for a living (and not a very good living at that)...sure I take pictures and I am darn good at it, but for some reason I can't muster up the courage to pursue it full force. When did I start allowing what others say or what others believe, to keep be on the fence of my own dreams? When did I start letting fear speak for me? I have some ideas and questions regarding this, I am punching fear back in a battle and writing a blog! I am going to be completely honest and give you a little of my past, most of my present and hopes for the future. Maybe, just maybe, I will be able to hit FEAR in the face and get control of my life!! Wish me Luck!!

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